This reading is stricly dedicated and confidential for :


Born in April, 30th 1982



My dear Imarhiagu, I would like to take a moment to really talk about the importance of energy! It is one of the most important aspect of your lives and is something that isn’t always taken care of the right way. And sometimes, it is this neglected that it can explain why you’re facing some problems right now in your life. But don’t worry Imarhiagu because in this reading I am going to show you how to attract more positive energy in your life, but also how to maintain a healthy energy level and how to prevent any unnecessary energy loss!

A/ Attracting positive energy in your life

So, let’s first start off with one of the most ancient teachings when it comes to energy manipulation Imarhiagu. This teaching has been known and widely used throughout history ranging from the teaching of Buddha in ancient China all the way to the Egyptian kingdom of Memphis!

Today my dear, it is commonly known as the law of attraction! Now I know you may have heard this term before Imarhiagu, but I don’t want you to dismiss it! By using positive thought, visualizing positivity and staying in that mindset you attract what you wish into your world. If you train your mind to be more positive, to meditate, to be grateful of what you have then the universe will give you tenfold what you desire! To prove to you the power of positivity I would like to talk about a man named Masuvo Emoto.

He theorized that positive energy could affect the molecules of water and that it could affect the very shape of water molecules when frozen, pretty amazing isn’t it? But it becomes even more amazing when we consider that our body itself is composed of 70% water! Its effect on us cannot be overstated and it will yield great results if you stay determined.

Still not convinced Imarhiagu? Let me give you one final example my dear. They have recently done a study where two plants were giving the same amount of sun, nutriments, water, soil, everything except for one slight difference, one plant was given positive feedback while the other one was given negative feedback. The results were very telling while the plant that was given positive feedback was green and vibrant the other plant was rotten and brown. Do you now see why I am so insistent when it comes to pursuing positive energy Imarhiagu?

Before we tackle all the steps you can take to attract positive energy my dear, I would like to draw your attention towards December the 27th when the Sun will conjunct Jupiter! This is an important transit because it will enhance your ability to attract more positive energy, which is no surprise when we consider that Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion! You will find that the steps described down below will be extremely more effective if done on this date, or at least, in a few days after.

So, you now know when to act Imarhiagu, but I imagine you are asking yourself what precisely do you have to do to attract positive energy in your life.

Well first of all as I said previously you need to visualize and train your mind to be more positive: positive affirmation to yourself such as telling yourself that you are worthy and reciting your positive traits is always a great way of attracting positive energy.

Another steps you can take is training yourself to be more present in the moment which you do by… Yes, that’s right Imarhiagu you guessed it, by meditating! Of course, that is not your only recourse, more subtle smaller steps can be taken such as truly listening to people when they talk to you and waiting for your turn to talk when you’re having a conversation. Admiring the simple things in life (things as simple as the song of the birds for example) will help you be more present and thus more attractive to energy!

An important step to remember is surround yourself with positive people Imarhiagu! Make sure to have people in your life that motivate you and fill you with the desire to go out in the world and make the changes you want to see! As your positive energy grows, so will you attractiveness to other positive people, and the brilliant thing is that this works both ways my dear! You will find that people are more willing to cooperate and be productive when working with you! Just one of the many benefits of having developed your energy! Now I will tell you how you will attract these positive people in your life.

Imarhiagu, I want to remind you that you get back what you give to others. So, treat other people with compassion and the way you would like to be treated, even if they may seem undeserving my dear. This is a great way to bring more positive people in your life, since they will be more open to someone who reciprocate with the same positive energy as them. You will be surprised by how quickly the universe rewards those who are a source of positivity!

Now that we have looked at what you can do to attract positive energy my dear, let’s see how to stop yourself from losing or misspending your newfound energy Imarhiagu!

B/ How to conserve your Energy and avoid Energy leaks

A lot of people don’t realize this my dear, but your energy is a finite resource and needs to be treated as such! So, what do I mean by this?

A great way of illustrating this point Imarhiagu, is to imagine that you have a monthly allowance of energy. Let’s say 10 units of energy, now in this month you will have many things to do: tasks, projects and people to interact with… Each of these things will demand a unit of energy from you. You need to make sure to prioritize the elements of your life that matter to you otherwise you will no longer have any unit of energy for yourself!

Your energy is precious my dear, and you need to treat it as such. Make sure to have enough energy for your own projects and not spend your energy on pointless stuff that in the end doesn’t matter at all, and will not impact your life in a fulfilling manner Imarhiagu! The most successful people don’t madly dash around between multiple tasks, what they do is they focus on a few tasks and they do it well my dear. This skill is extremely valuable especially when it comes to developing your career. Guard your energy like a dragon would guard its treasure Imarhiagu, and you will find that parts of your life such as your career, will radically improve!

Another good example to really illustrate my point is an example used by monks who believe that your words and thoughts hold power and if misused can be source of leakage! They recommend, as I do Imarhiagu, that you choose your words carefully and to follow these 4 steps: be true, speak when necessary, be kind and speak at the right time!

Now I want you to take that teaching and apply it to all aspects of your life! I want you to be decisive when you take action, to only do so when it is necessary to you, to do so with compassion and the way you would wish to be treated and finally when you know it is the right time! Apply this teaching Imarhiagu and you cannot go wrong!

I would like to bring up one final thing which is how to avoid your energy to be drained. You see, it is a sad fact of life that there are people in our life that do not fill us with positive energy and make us feel capable of accomplishing anything… but quite the opposite! You may find yourself being exhausted after spending only a couple of minutes with them Imarhiagu. They can be a source of negative emotions and can drain you of any energy, that is why we call these people energy vampires. So, your first question may be “how do I recognize an energy vampire?” luckily, they are quite easy to spot once you know what to look for!

An energy vampire can be recognized by these following traits:

  • Always involved in some kind of drama
  • Diminish your problems
  • Act like a victim or martyr and will have an unwillingness to pursue solutions
  • Use your good nature against you
  • Don’t take accountability and are quick to shift the blame
  • Feel the need to always be superior to you, to always have some sort of advantage over you.
  • They will be self-absorbed and have trouble being empathetic to other people
  • They may be passive aggressive

Now your second question is most likely; how do I protect myself against them?

The steps you need to take to limit their ability to drain is about as easy as it to recognize them Imarhiagu!

  • You need to establish boundaries, avoid them and let them know that you do not want to meet up with them.
  • Put yourself before them, an energy vampire thrives when it can emotionally manipulate you and do not allow them to use your good nature against you or make you feel guilty into taking action on their behalf. As I have stated before your energy is way too valuable to be spending it on people like that! You come first Imarhiagu!
  • Adjust your expectations, accept that you cannot change or “fix” an energy vampire, but you must accept that not everyone deserves to be supported, and that you’re not obligated to help everyone. You may have to be more distant with them and no longer go to them for emotional support otherwise this draining of your positive energy won’t stop.

I know Imarhiagu that it isn’t always easy to identify objectively the people who are good for you and the ones who are not: but don’t worry because the universe has come to the rescue! On the 26th of December there will be the Annular Solar Eclipse: this is a time of maturity and growth, a time to move past relationship that are holding you back from maturing, such as these toxic relationships. It may seem difficult my dear, but consider that you have the backing of the solar eclipse to help in this necessary step!

To recap:

  • Laws of attracting play a huge role in your life! Positive energy is attracted to each other like magnets, so control your thought and mind. You can do this by starting the day with a positive thought
  • Recognize your power
  • Find relationships that replenish your soul and not drain it
  • Avoid draining relationships
  • Remember that you have a finite amount of energy, so spend it wisely. Don’t overdo things Imarhiagu. The most successful people use their energy wisely and focus on the key things that help them attain their objective!
  • Your words and actions hold a lot of power and if misused, they can be a source of leakage. Follow and apply these 4 tenets to the best of your ability: be true, speak when necessary, be kind and act when the time feels right
  • Attract positive energy through positive affirmation, and meditation; cultivate your positive energy
  • Be a source of positive energy for others! Treat them the way you would want to be treated.


As you can see my dear, Energy is not something to forget about or ignore. It is literally everywhere! It is a vital part of your life, like any other part of your body and should be nurtured as such Imarhiagu! Using the various methods describe above, you will be able to attract positive energy in great abundance!

This energy is so useful and, as you will see in the other readings, it’s a vital tool when it comes to improving your Chakras and Karma. If you follow everything, I have taught you, then there is no reason why you couldn’t completely eliminate any energy leaksand achieve all that you wish, by spending your energy wisely!

Imarhiagu, you are no longer a servant to your energy or lack of energy, now my dear, you are the master of it all and of your future! I do hope the first part of this gift will help you as we get closer to a new year, a new era, 2020!



My dear Imarhiagu, I’m so glad you’ve accepted to let me help you with this. It’s a great display of trust and it means a lot to me. Which is why I did my best to provide you with a reading as informative while also being as comprehensive as I could do.

Chakras are a really interesting and important topic of discussion. Like everything that is unknown to us, it may be frightening at first, but really, it’s quite simple to understand.

Chakras are points of energies in your body. In total, there are seven major ones. They’re placed from the very bottom of your vertebral column, to the very top of your head. If one is misaligned, all of those above it won’t be able to function properly. So, if your first Chakras, which we will go over in just a moment, is unbalanced, all of the others will be.

They affect our state of mind and even, in some stronger case, the body. So, Imarhiagu, let’s go over them, from the bottom to the top.

First, we have the “Root” Chakra. It’s located at the base of your spine. It’s deeply linked to your survival instincts.

Second, the “Sacral” Chakra. This one is located in your lower abdomen. It covers your basic well-being, such as your sexual desire, and even your creativity.

Third, there is the “Solar Plexus” Chakra. It’s located around your stomach and it’s all about your self-confidence, what you think of yourself.

The fourth one is also perhaps the most important one, Imarhiagu, it’s your “Heart” Chakra. It’s located just right above your heart. It’s the most important one because, while you should always aim to have all of your Chakras aligned, it really is when your heart and therefore, every other Chakras under it, are aligned, that one tends to consider themselves satisfied with their life and start to feel happiness. It can only get better from there. As the “Heart”, is all about your inner peace, your joy and your relationships. It also drives love, from being able to properly receiving it, to giving it.

Above it, is the “Throat” Chakra, now this one is pretty explicit. It’s located right where you imagine it to be, Imarhiagu, your throat! It empowers your ability to fully express yourself, to tell the truth and to make yourself heard.

The sixth one, is your “Third Eye” Chakra, Imarhiagu. It’s located right between your eyes and it drives your imagination, your wisdom and your intuitions.

And finally, there is your “Crown” Chakra. It’s on the very top of your head. It drives your spirituality, your sense of both inner and outer beauty, it’s the driving force behind your spiritual connection to the astral world.

To help with the balance of all of this and as an added bonus for you Imarhiagu, I will also give you some Feng Shui tips! Feng Shui is about matching your body and mind, with the place you live in. But mainly my dear, I will give you dates and transits that will enhance the exercises and tips I’m going to give to check and realign if need be, all of your Chakras!

For instance, Imarhiagu, on December 20th, Venus enters Aquarius, and by doing so will allow you to benefit from a very peculiar energy that is just perfect to deeply feel at peace and, realign your Chakras, and find happiness my dear.

Keep in mind when I give you dates like that, that I don’t mean for you to work on your Chakras only on that day, this is certainly not a one-time deal! The whole last 3 weeks of December will carry a good energy anyway, there is no question about that, however, December 20th, just like December 24th, when the sun trine Uranus, are especially good for Chakras.

The latter will make you whole Imarhiagu, which is a very important concept when one is attempting to realign their Chakras. And should you focus enough, you will be able to listen to your deep intuition and follow your true self my dear!


Balancing the Chakras is very important to your state of mind, Imarhiagu, however, before you can get on that, you must first be able to determine where the problems come from.

This is something that requires some process of elimination. Like I said, if a Chakra is misaligned, it’ll have negative impacts on all of the others above it and it’s possible that you will feel some of the, call it symptoms, can accumulate. So my dear, for example, you may feel as if your Heart Chakra is misaligned, when really, it’s your Sacral Chakra that is the issue here.

They’re all linked. If one is a misaligned, it breaks the link with what’s above it, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all of the above are also completely misplaced. Despite what you may feel, chances are that, continuing with the example I gave you, realigning Sacral Chakra may be enough to relink everything back together.

It’s easy, Imarhiagu, ever heard the saying: “Go to the root of the problem?”, well, that’s what you have to do. Most feelings of unease can be traced back to your Chakras, which is why it’s important to know how to get to the source of the problem. So, always start by examining the Root and go upward, until you start feeling something wrong.

So, to do this, let’s discuss how to spot a misaligned or a blocked Chakra.


Something wrong with your Root Chakra can manifest with a constant feeling of physical insecurity. Being scared of going outside because of potential “dangers”. Feeling a bit lost and alone, in a chaotic world. Your survival instincts are constantly on alert for no reason… that’s your Root Chakra screaming for attention.


If your Sacral Chakra is in need of attention, you will feel it with an impression of always being emotionally overwhelmed. Always being on the verge of breaking down into tears, being overly sensitive to any emotional shift.


An unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra is perceived through a crushing sense of low self-esteem. You look up to others as role models, but you feel as if you’ll never be quite as good as them. If left uncheck, envy can become jealousy. In turn, it makes you fragile, you feel threatened by those around you and each little piece of criticism thrown your way is received as an insult by your ego. This all drags you down and prevent you from following with your goals and completing your personal projects… that’s your Solar Plexus asking for your realignment, Imarhiagu.


If your Heart Chakra is troubled, it will show the idea that everyone is better than you and you’re not worthy of anything good happening around you. You feel guilt when you start to feel happy, feeling that you don’t deserve any of it and you find yourself sabotaging all the things that you know will bring you joy.

On top of all that, you feel a strong desire to be loved but when it is given to you, you feel stuck, incapable of properly reacting or even feeling anything. This in the past, held you back in your love life, preventing you from doing the right thing. If you, once again, start feel such things, Imarhiagu, it’s a good indication that it might be time to focus on your heart Chakra.


It’s easy to tell if your Throat Chakra is misaligned, Imarhiagu. It appears in an inability to properly express yourself. Talking too much or talking too little. As if no matter what you say, it never gets heard like what you wanted to. Things like this held you back in the past in your career and I know how badly you felt as if you were simply incapable of saying what you want to say without being misinterpreted. Struggling with communication is a great sign that your Throat Chakra might be needing attention.


If your third eye is misaligned, you’ll feel as if you’re overwhelmed by your imagination. It may feel as if you have thousands of thoughts and ideas traversing your mind by the second and it’s just too much to keep up with. Alongside this, you may feel a lack of trust in your own intuition which seems to guide you in the wrong directions. That could very well be your Third Eye Chakra being misaligned.


If your Crown Chakra happens to be misaligned, Imarhiagu, you will feel it through a lack of focus, a short attention span. It’ll also manifest itself through a lack of empathy for others and you may find yourself surrounded by drama and negative people. That’s a good sign that it may be time to focus on your Crown Chakra.

There you go, Imarhiagu. You can now recognizea a misalign Chakra. This alone will greatly help to determine the cause of your negative feelings. Now, let’s focus on how to work on those negative feelings.


Here you are Imarhiagu! I’m proud of you, it truly is great to see your will to learn and to progress bringing you this far into what I’ve written for you. We’re now at the most important part of this reading: how to actually rebalance your Chakras. Now that you know how to spot an unbalanced Chakra, it’s now time to learn how to fix the problem.

To do this, we will once again, start from the bottom to the top.


Your Root Chakra is deeply connected with the element of earth. To cure its pains, you must reconnect it to its element. Face your fears and go outside. Go and immerge yourself in nature. Go for a hike, a walk on a beach or a moment in a garden or park. Embrace the winds and smells of nature. Enjoy how peaceful it is Imarhiagu, as it’ll make a perfect place to think about your life and you’ll go back home, feeling eased.

On top of that, eating vegetables and fruits, will greatly help, as you’re reconnecting your Chakra with its natural element.

You can add a touch a Feng Shui to the whole thing, by simply adding some one or several plants in the part of your home in which you spend the most time.


The Sacral Chakra has Water as it’s natural element. To reconnect them together, drinking more water will greatly help. If you can also go for a swim or, take a bath, and immerge your body in water for a while and quiet your mind in it, that would also be very helpful!

Keeping a journal of your day can also greatly help Imarhiagu. Write down your thoughts, your ideas, how your day went, what you wish for in the future and so on. Let your mind flow on to the paper through the pen.


To realign your Solar Plexus Chakra my dear, there is nothing better than reconnecting it to its natural elements; Fire. Let’s start with a bit of Feng Shui, then, shall we? Light some candles in your home, you’ll find that those small natural lights will put your body in a more relaxed state and your mind will be at ease.

On a sunny day, go and walk in the sun. It’s as good for your body as it is for your mind. On that same note, let its light enter your home. When you can, fill your home with natural lights. There is nothing quite like it, to treat your Solar Plexus Chakra.


Now, the Heart Chakra, Imarhiagu, is the last Chakra to be connected with a natural element; Air. To realign it, take the opportunity of a fresh day to go outside and take a deep breath. Walk in the fresh air, let it fill your lungs and you’ll find bliss in the moment.

Your Heart Chakra influences your interactions with others. So go and seek others. Don’t let all of the negative ideas the misalignment gives you hold you back. Be kind to them, show them how much you care about them. A loving person, gets loved by others, Imarhiagu.


To realign your Throat Chakra, Imarhiagu, you have to make use of it. Speak in front of the mirror, think aloud when you’re alone. Speak up. Don’t hesitate to try things that involve public speaking, despite how daunting it is, it’s a great exercise.

Also, something that’ll help is keeping a journal about your dreams my dear. Insecurities tends to appear in our dreams, it’ll help you spot them and work on them. Keeping a dream journal will lead to improvements in your communication and will help quiet your desire to constantly speak if you have it.

You have lots of things to say and when you try, it all comes out at once, Imarhiagu. Thinking aloud on your own, singing and keeping this journal will greatly help you with canalizing it.


Finally, Imarhiagu, if you have to realign your Crown Charka, I invite you to fully open yourself to others. Make a gratitude journal, keeping a list of all the things and people that you’re grateful for.

Seek to help others. Maybe, if you can, donate to a charity or perhaps, do some volunteer work to help your local community. Become an active part of the life of your loved ones and the world around you.

Here you go, Imarhiagu. You now have everything there is to know to balance your Chakras! Keep those advice close to you and overtime, you will start to notice large changes in your mood. Things will start to make more sense as now, you can actually point to the root of the issue and know what to do.

However, before we conclude, I have one more thing for you. Imarhiagu, now that you’re familiarized with the concept of Chakras, I’ll give you some more information about your Chakras, so that I can help you as much as I can.Chapter 1:  The Ascendant

Gemini Rising:

     Your outward expression of your Heart Chakra is likely to be very intellectual and willing to share on the level of ideas. Your partner is likely to provide a balance for that by being less communicative but more philosophical and meditative.

Chapter 2: The Sun

Sun in Taurus:

     Because Taurus rules your throat, you as an individual have a great deal of Sun energy in your throat and neck area. Your throat area is where your Throat Chakra is located in your aura, and you will need to maintain a sense of harmony between your inner rhythms and the sounds around you, in order to keep your energy flowing. You would function well by singing your own part in a choir of talented singers. In this way, you would express your own potential at the same time as being sensitive to how others will receive it so that they would be in harmony with your own self-expression. You have a great gift to give them as long as you stay in tune with the fact that your talent comes from within.

     In order for this wonderful self expression to occur, make sure that the areas where the Sun’s energy comes into your body are all unblocked and in good condition – your Solar Plexus, your pancreas, your eighth thoracic vertebra, your heart and all your vertebra. If you find that your throat area becomes irritated or overactive in any way, it is time to relax and tune in at a deeper level, both to yourself and the world around you. For this, you might try chanting with others or repeating a mantra to get your energy flowing again.

Sun in 11th house:

     The Sun rules your Solar Plexus , and its house shows how you bring the energy of this chakra out into the world. Your Solar Plexus gives you self-confidence, and you approach everyday life with the belief of “I can.” You are likely to apply this in the area of humanitarian causes, friendships, groups, or community organizations, where you can inspire others with your sense of equality and positive reform.

Sun Square Moon:

     You were born with the challenge of integrating your male and female sides, but with the willpower and creativity to do it successfully. Rather than be attached to either your ego or your emotions, elevate your awareness to the higher plane of unity where differences are transcended. Use your willpower to achieve your own vision of harmony, even though your parents were not able to do this for you, and you will reach great heights. You will notice then that any tensions in the area of your Spleen Chakra and Solar Plexus will disappear.

Sun Opposition Jupiter:

     You may face a dilemma as to whether to assert yourself or to follow the teaching of traditional religion that would want you to share more with others. Affirm that you can do both and benefit from both, without having to lose anything. Be your creative, dynamic self and balance this with being benevolent and cooperative. In this way, you will harmonize the energies of your Solar Plexus and Third Eye, both of which are vital to your well-being.

Chapter 3: The Moon

Moon in Leo:

     You are very good at showing others how to have happy feelings, and you would excel in any job looking after children and planning recreational, artistic programs for them. Your own art would be very healing, and you would also to be able to act in plays which portray emotions. The Moon rules your Second Chakra, but the sign of Leo raises your emotions to a higher plane, so that you can do something constructive and positive with them, rather than just feel them. You have a warm heart, and people are drawn to you because they sense your strength and ability to lead. However, make sure that you are nurturing yourself and not just giving out energy to others without taking time to replenish it.

Moon in 2nd house:

     The Moon rules your Second or Spleen Chakra, and its house shows how you bring your emotions out into the everyday world. You can always tune into it and say, “I feel,” because your emotions are a vital part of your being. Your emotions are likely to be expressed in the area of ensuring your security and comfort as well as that of your family, so you work towards having a stable, dependable home.

Moon Square Jupiter:

     You need to apply conscious willpower to make sure that your attachment to your home and your desire to go out and promote religious causes work in harmony with each other. Create a more harmonious flow of energy between your Spleen Chakra and your Brow Chakra.  Then you will see how to get your family to understand your philanthropic work, and also so that you will extend more of your generosity towards your family.

Moon Trine Uranus:

     You are fortunate to have been born with an ability to elevate the emotional energy of your Spleen Chakra to the very high, spiritual level of your Crown Chakra. This gives you a creative genius that intrigues and fascinates others. You are able to spontaneously let go of the past and instantly land on the forefront of the future.

Chapter 4: Mercury

Mercury in Taurus:

     Mercury is the co-ruler of the Throat Chakra (along with Neptune), and Taurus is the ruler of your throat in the physical plane. So, you have the potential to communicate very well with your voice. You would do this in a very harmonious way, with a nice sounding, strong voice, to which others would be happy to listen. They would notice something magical or mystical in your expression, because it is not just coming from your physical body, but from your aura as well. If you sing songs which bring out the power of the Source, you would both be healed and heal others at the same time.

Mercury in 12th house:

     Mercury co-rules your Throat Chakra, along with Neptune. Its house shows you the areas of life where you are likely to gain information and express your thoughts. It has to do with communication, and can be summarized in the words “I speak.” Your communication tends to be very imaginative, and is best expressed in poetry or song rather than prose.

Mercury Sextile Venus:

     You have a special talent for communicating with others through beautiful speech, poetry and song. You are socially very diplomatic and agreeable. This is because of the favorable aspect between your Throat Chakra (the communication link between your mind and body), and your Heart Chakra, which has to do with your ability to love and be loved.

Mercury Trine Mars:

     You have a wonderful talent for expressing yourself well in words. You are self confident and you say exactly what you mean, but with such goodwill that others accept of your ideas and are inspired to assert themselves better too. You have an easy flow of positive energy between your Throat Chakra and Solar Plexus.

Mercury Quincunx Neptune:

     When you were young, you may have had older people discourage you from expressing yourself in an artistic or poetic way, and they may have told you that you would never be able to make much money doing that. However, you can now be adaptable to the new opportunities available to you to express yourself as you have always wanted. Mercury and Neptune co-rule your Throat Chakra, and both your logical mind and your imagination are important.

Mercury Quincunx Pluto:

     You may have had older people in the past who discouraged you from asking too many questions and getting to the bottom of things. However, now you have the ability to adapt yourself to present circumstances and develop your logical mind and your curiosity. You need to have a more ready flow of energy between your Throat and Spleen Chakras.

Chapter 5: Venus

Venus in Pisces:

     Venus rules your Heart Chakra and Pisces rules your feet, which in turn are governed by your Root Chakra. Your love for others is of the most compassionate form because you are willing to give of yourself in order to assist the very survival of others. To do this, and to be able to continue to do it, you need to be very careful that your own survival needs are taken care of first, or you would end up taking energy from the people you are trying to help.

Venus in 10th house:

     Venus rules your Heart Chakra. Its house shows you the areas of life where you give and receive love and compassion. The key words for it are “I love.” You tend to direct your social energies to employers and those in high positions, in the hope of being recognized. You could gain status as an artist.

Venus Square Neptune:

     It is a challenge for you to combine harmoniously your artistic sense of beauty and form with your more subtle psychic receptivity, but if you apply your willpower you can succeed in producing very inspired art. Venus rules your Heart Chakra and Neptune your Throat Chakra, and the challenge for you is to promote an easier flow of energy between the two, so that your imagination can be applied in a more practical way.

Venus Quincunx Pluto:

     In the past, you may have been held back from expressing the intensity of your love, perhaps by older persons who were incorrectly guided by guilt or fear. You can now adapt yourself to present opportunities to discover the positive, transformative power of love. Focus on encouraging a better flow of energy between your Heart and Spleen Chakras.

Chapter 6: Mars

Mars in Libra:

     Mars rules your Solar Plexus Chakra and Libra is ruled by Venus, which rules the heart. You are able to take the inspiration of self confidence and vitality of your Solar Plexus and channel it to a higher plane of love and compassion. You would do this by first mastering how to give love to yourself, so as to have a high self-esteem. It would follow from this that you would then have respect and compassion for others, because you would recognize the best qualities of yourself mirrored in them.

Mars in 4th house:

     Mars co-rules your Solar Plexus Chakra, along with the Sun. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your initiative, desire, and physical action. The key words for it are “I can.” You are likely to apply your drive towards creating a stable home and security for the future, as well as working to protect the environment.

Mars Sextile Uranus:

     You have a special ability to be quick and efficient, because the Mars energy ruling your Solar Plexus very readily combines with the Uranus energy of your Crown Chakra. Your physical and mental potential can be instantly combined to produce a brand new, favorable result. You may be talented at inventing machines, engaging in fast sports, or promoting original ideas.

Mars Square Neptune:

     It is a challenge for you to get your self-assertiveness and ego to work together well with your higher desire to give and to be compassionate to those in need, but with willpower, you can succeed. You can find great fulfillment in letting your ego be guided by your spirit, so that you can be yourself while giving to others. It is a matter of seeing the unity beyond your Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras.

Mars is Retrograde

     Mars rules your Solar Plexus Chakra, and you may have had experiences where you did not feel that you could assert yourself, even though you would have been better off if you had. Your hesitation likely came from the influence of adults in your childhood. They may not have been able to assert themselves in their situation, and they incorrectly thought that they were helping you by teaching you to hold back and not be yourself. However, now it is safe to move beyond your built-up anger and to realize that all is well. Think positive thoughts; have confidence in yourself; and move happily on.

Chapter 7: Jupiter

Jupiter in Scorpio:

     As Jupiter rules your Third Eye and Scorpio rules your reproductive organs, your sexual experiences have a psychic or spiritual dimension to them that raises them beyond the mere physical, or even emotional level. It is important to have enough outlet for your high energy level. You understand how the physical level must be mastered in order to advance to a greater, cosmic level of spiritual advancement.

Jupiter in 5th house:

     Jupiter rules your Brow Chakra. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your spiritual values, positive thinking, and prosperity. The key words for it are “I see.” You give a great deal to children, to ensure their education and higher guidance. You are likely to be fortunate in investments. You are inspiring and creative and have a great deal of energy.

Jupiter is Retrograde

     Jupiter rules your Third Eye, and you may have unconsciously (or consciously) had experiences in your past where you were taught that you should not allow yourself to be psychic, because people who do that were somehow not accepted in the culture you were in. However, you know that you have natural ability in this area, which is healthy to develop and which can greatly benefit you. Know that what is holding you back in this area is just an illusion of a problem and not a real one. It is right for you to develop your inner seeing, and there is no genuine reason not to. You are now safe to know things and to grow.

Chapter 8: Saturn

Saturn in Libra:

     Saturn rules your Root Chakra, which is the source of the energy to manifest your goals. You need to make sure that the goals you are working on are really your own and not just what will please older people. Libra rules partnerships, so the area where you need to learn to be yourself and release the past involves your relationships, both personal and professional. Free yourself from the belief that you have to act out a certain role just because you are male or female. Allow your partner to express him / herself too. If your partner will absolutely not grow with you, then you may need to find someone else who will let you be yourself.

Saturn in 5th house:

     Saturn co-rules your Root Chakra, along with the Earth. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express discipline, responsibility, and structure for your survival and grounding. The key words for it are “I have.” You take your responsibility for your children very seriously and make sure that they grow up to be law-abiding citizens, just as you were raised to be honest yourself.

Saturn is Retrograde

     You may have had experiences where you felt that you were held back by having to do things the way your grandparents did, even though you knew yourself that these restrictions and rules were no longer relevant. Or, you may feel held back by the fact that others in your past did not have enough and barely survived, and that they are keeping you from being prosperous. Realize that these limitations are all just illusions and that nothing terrible is going to happen if you release the past and live for today. You are now free to be the authority in your own life.

Chapter 9: Uranus

Uranus in Sagittarius:

     Uranus rules your Crown Chakra, the source of your infinite potential for new ideas and knowledge. Sagittarius adds a warm, fire influence to the intellect of Uranus. You present your original, inspired ideas in a very positive, optimistic way which convinces others to turn toward the Light.

Uranus in 6th house:

     Uranus rules your Crown Chakra. Its house shows you the areas where you express your universal understanding, knowing, and intuition. It also shows where you express your urge for freedom and individuality, and the types of friends you will choose and groups you will join. The key words for it are “I know.” You have a good mind and are likely to excel in anything new or scientific. You would be interested in alternative methods of healing, especially those involving subtler energies or electronics.

Uranus is Retrograde

     You may have learned when you were young that you had to conform, rather than enjoy your own freedom of thought. However, these restrictions were imposed by older people of a past generation and there is no reason now to be held back. You are now free to trust your Higher Self and be every bit as enlightened as you want to be. You do not have to go to great lengths to prove that you have your freedom, because you already have it, and the Universe approves of you. Your potential for new, original thoughts is infinite.

Chapter 10: Neptune

Neptune in Sagittarius:

     Neptune rules your Throat Chakra and your ability to listen on the subtler level. Sagittarius seeks the truth, and listening to the Source is the best way to do that. Your insight can be very profound and positive. You are well aware of how the greater good works in subtle ways. You could teach others about the path of kindness and forgiveness.

Neptune in 6th house:

     Neptune co-rules your Throat Chakra, along with Mercury. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your ability to listen and to reflect back creatively what you hear, especially when you are acting as a channel for a higher source. The key words for it are “I speak,” but also “I listen.” You are likely to use psychic healing for your own health and for the benefit of others. You are also tuned in psychically to animals and you understand how best to care for them.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

      Neptune rules the subtler listening ability of your Throat Chakra and Pluto the regenerative and transformative power of your Spleen Chakra. You have a special ability to care and to heal in a very ultimate way. You could, for example, work on healing the planet. You could also express your compassion for the masses in a way that would make a real difference.

Neptune is Retrograde

     There may have been influences in your childhood that taught you that you did not have musical ability or that your perceptions were incorrect. However, the people who taught you that were under illusions themselves, and you do not need to be held back by their limitations. Believe in your own ability to listen and to be sensitive. Believe that it is safe to do so. You are responsible only for yourself, and your main relationship is with the Divine. Do not accept blame for others, but rejoice in the fact that you are safe to grow.

Chapter 11: Pluto

Pluto in Libra:

     Pluto rules your Second Chakra, in your lower abdomen. It pertains to your emotions and sexuality. Libra rules relationships. You are aware of the way in which emotions and sexuality form a basis for relationships, even though the relationships also involve the higher communication of the mind. Your partnerships are likely to be very intense, with a good deal of discussion about what is fair for both and how the personal needs of each partner can be met.

Pluto in 5th house:

     Pluto co-rules your Second or Spleen Chakra, along with the Moon. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your regenerative ability and your willpower to transcend mass karma, as well as your emotions and sexuality. The key words for it are “I feel.” You would be able to transform the lives of children, particularly by encouraging them to take part in art, drama, and recreation. In turn, the children would have a regenerative effect on you. Love relationships are very important to you.

Pluto is Retrograde

     You may have observed inhibitions in your childhood about your sexuality. However, realize that the adults who taught you to feel guilty had problems of their own, and that you do not have any real problems yourself. Affirm that your own feelings are real and acceptable. Love yourself and love your body. Release the past and know that you are safe. Clear your subconscious mind of any inhibitions and see yourself as beautiful and lovable.

Chapter 12: Chiron, North Node, and the Midheaven

Chiron in Taurus:

     Chiron represents the link between your individual identity and the universal, as it is located between the inner and outer planets of the solar system. In your aura, it is related to the Heart Chakra, which is the link between your lower, physical chakras and your higher, mental ones. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which rules the Heart Chakra. You already have plenty of knowledge of the nature of love, and your first step is to awaken to how much you have already achieved. To move on to even higher realms, you can learn breathing exercises, which will spread the energy from your Heart Chakra through your body by oxygenating every cell. You would also be inhaling prana, the subtler life force, and this would energize your aura.

North Node in Cancer:

     Just as the ida and pingala (the channels of life energy in the left and right sides of your auric body) meet at your chakras, the Moon’s path crosses over the Sun’s path at your lunar nodes. Your Cancer North Node gives you special insight into how your male and female polarities can work together for your future. You will now be able to create a stable home base. Your Capricorn South Node shows that you have already mastered the lessons of discipline and toughness, freeing you to be more sensitive from now on.

North Node in 1st house:

     You are now learning to strike out on your own and learn independence, having observed in your parents and grandparents the limitations of partnerships and marriage. As you learn to love yourself more and assert your own needs, your Heart Chakra will open up more. Because you may have had a role model in the past who cooperated too much just for the sake of harmony, you may need to clear out some blockages in the right side of your body near your Heart Chakra, in order to be free to move ahead.

MC in Pisces:

     You use your willpower to promote your set of values that say that even the poorest of the poor deserve high status, and that the poor in fact deserve the most recognition for not being materialistic. The Light coming in through your Crown Chakra inspires you with this great compassion and selfless giving. Your Root Chakra brings in very practical, earth energy, giving you the desire to use your home as a place of work.


My dear Imarhiagu, here you are, at the end of this reading. I’m really proud of you. Such a strong desire for self-improvement is not commonly seen in people, it is what sets you apart, what makes you special.

You know by now everything there is to know about your Chakras. In time, you will learn to know them a lot more and will discover all of the little details about them. These things will come naturally to you.

I thank you for taking the time to read this reading. With this, you’ll be able to cleanse yourself of what’s been dragging you down in 2019. You’ll be free to go in 2020 with nothing holding you back. To start fresh for a new year, a better year my dear.

And I can tell you Imarhiagu; there are a lot of things coming your way in 2020 and with all that you’ve learned here, now more than ever, the future will be in your hands.



Karma is usually associated with rebirth in our collective consciousness Imarhiagu, when really the principle applies as well in one’s life without considering if they already had a life before or will have another after…

Karma refers to a spiritual principle where what you do or think of doing, is considered a cause my dear. And this cause will have a direct effect on your future… “What goes around, comes around” as per the saying, and basically you will harvest what you planted if you allow me this metaphor Imarhiagu.

Concretely, it means that you will pay or benefit from your actions on different levels my dear.

What I want to say here is that; let’s say you have a disagreement with someone. It doesn’t matter if you are right or wrong to start with about the topic you are discussing in particular, if you manage to keep things polite and civilized, you will be rewarded in the future with good vibrations… whereas if, in the contrary, you start provoking the other person on purpose, are mean to them for reasons outside the disagreement, even if you “win the case” on the moment… you will have to pay back later with your Karma my dear.

Don’t get me wrong Imarhiagu, I know that arguments happen and that it is impossible to always keep things under control, but intentions are very important in regards of your Karma.

I will keep on provide you with concrete example my dear, so that you understand perfectly the concept and are able to work towards having a better Karma, which obviously will facilitate your future as it will send good vibrations towards yourself then Imarhiagu.

Just keep in mind my dear, that Mercury will be in Sagittarius over the whole month of December and this will give you exactly what you need to work on your Karma Imarhiagu, an honest, generous and sincere mind, which will encourage you to look deeper within yourself to find the truth, and have a spiritual understanding of your entire life!

A/ Get rid of bad Karma

As I told you at the beginning of the introduction my dear, most of the time Karma is associated with past lives. Whether you believe into past lives or not, what absolutely sure is that has everybody has a Karma Imarhiagu, some more or less positive energy that depends of the decisions you make.

I believe that you start your new life with either a positive or a negative Karma, according to your own doings in your previous life. It means that your current life should be led in a way that will restore you Karma to its neutral state… And the quality of your next life depends on how well you succeeded Imarhiagu.

Skeptical people when it comes down to previous lives can still be sensitive to Karma however, with much more direct and near future consequences in their lives. In their views, your actions of today will be likely to bring either good Karma or bad Karma to your life, but only into their current one.

This isn’t my place to judge Imarhiagu, who’s wrong or right about it. And more importantly than trying to prove everybody disagreeing with you that you are right, I would more encourage you to try and understand everybody’s point of view and have an open discussion… for this matter like for any by the way my dear!

When you think about it, whichever form of Karma you believe in, it will always be better this way… don’t you think my dear? And whichever form of Karma you believe in, there are ways also to get rid of the bad one Imarhiagu!

  • Writing down what you think may be the cause of bad Karma is always a good start… It encourages you to really weigh your words and usually makes you take a step back about what happened, rethink about it and analyze what you could have done differently!

    This isn’t the first time you heard me say so my dear, but I really find “writing” a very useful tool in my life, and I am sure you would to!
  • Imarhiagu, this might be the most important tips of all when it comes down to Karma, only I didn’t want to put it first so as not to start with a huge statement and maybe frighten you… Make amends, apologize. Be sincere and deeply learn from your mistakes. I know it may sound almost naive my dear, but it absolutely doesn’t make it any less true and effective, that’s for sure!

    And you couldn’t possibly argue that being granted forgiveness for something that you really feel bad about, isn’t one of the best feeling in the world Imarhiagu! Only this relief is something that can only come if you truly sincerely apologize because you understand what you did to somebody, not because you fear the consequences… Those are two very different type of apologies, and only the first type will allow you to diminish your bad Karma.
  • As often my dear, meditation can also play a major role in balancing your Karma. The specific meditation dedicated to improving your Karma is called “Loving kindness meditation” Imarhiagu.

    You practice it in four steps: preparation, contemplation, meditation, and dedication. The first step requires you to prepare for meditation by sitting in a comfortable position and breathe deeply.

    Then my dear, you move on to the contemplation stage that requires you to think about how you should cherish your life and the lives of others as well, being thankful for anything good that happens to you.

    The meditation by itself will allow you to come up with concrete ways to practice kind actions Imarhiagu. Those can be very different from one to another, and I advise you to start with something not only concrete but also easily achievable, such as: “I will cherish each day that I am given” or “I will be kinder to myself and others.”

    After those 3 steps my dear, you will be half way through! It will be time to start the dedication phase, where you will have to live up to the promises you decided to make in the meditation stage.

Those are proven efficient tools, that can work wonders in no time my dear if you really put all of your efforts in it as I know you can, and truly believe in it as well Imarhiagu! In my perception, Karma is something that member of a family partially share, as they have a common history. And as a matter of fact, converting your bad Karma in a good one, would be the best way for you to make any family issue evolve in the right direction my dear!

B/ Attract good Karma

As you understood by now Imarhiagu, it is one thing to balance and restore your Karma my dear, but the best is to actually to improve it! This takes everything a step further in terms of quality of life without being actually that hard to get started.

Again, there are different ways to do it, and the best will be to practice them all to ensure the maximum and best results as soon as possible and on the long term! Obviously, this isn’t a “one-time deal”, and for it to have long lasting effects on your karma, you have to make it a regular routine, if not your new way of life Imarhiagu…

  • First things first, my dear, you need to keep a positive attitude at all time! I’m not talking about denying what isn’t working properly here Imarhiagu, but whatever happens, getting angry or worried or both is just going to make things worst!

    Believe me I know it’s hard, but it has to be that way! Controlling your bad emotions is the first step to improving your Karmamy dear, trust me on that!

    Remember that Karma is about our actions, but about our intentions as well. So, you have to stop or avoid picturing yourself getting mad at someone as well. First of all, even if it’s better than to actually do it, it isn’t calming you down at all on the moment, quite the opposite, you feel even more frustrated. And second of all, it will simply and plainly attract bad Karma your way.
  • Another very important step to be taken on the path of positive Karma, is taking responsibility for your actions Imarhiagu.Once again, I know it’s not always easy, as our actions depend often on other’s people doings before them, but that’s a must my dear, there is no way around it!

    If you stay in the moment, self-focus and know what you are doing at all times Imarhiagu, then my dear, you will manage to be accountable for your actions!

    You will also have to try and always be mindful of the consequences for others when you do take actions…
  • My dear, I am sure that while reading those lines, you already recognized some things that you do every now and then… well an easy thing to stop doing what you are doing wrong, is to break the routine! It sounds easy said like that Imarhiagu, I know, but assure you that it’s more work than it looks! It stays however very true; “if you know what you are doing wrong then change it!”
  • The next thing I am going to mention is that karma depends a lot of acts of kindness.

    We all sometimes do good things in order to look good, or feel better towards ourselves; but the thing is, Karma isn’t about what we are doing for ourselves! Remember what I told you Imarhiagu; intentions mean a great deal to Karma. So I encourage you, next time you do a good deed, to really do it for the others as much as for yourself.

    And the beauty of it, is that you will in fact feel much better Imarhiagu, and your Karma will reward in its own way and its own timing!

    It really doesn’t have to be giving money… time, smile and warm words to someone more needy than us will always go a long way! And just like when we do a bad deed, we can feel it deep within ourselves and it doesn’t feel good… when we make a good action, it feels right straight away and we can’t wait to be doing some more! It’s not always the easiest way, but that’s the best one!

My dear, now you are more familiar with the topic of Karma, I am going to give you more precise and definite information about yours! Read it carefully and I am sure that with your new knowledge on the subject, you will know exactly what to do Imarhiagu.Chapter 1: The Moon

The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very significant from a karmic perspective, as it indicates the accumulated karmic tendencies, both positive and negative, that you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth.

While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the MOON represents what you have already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and natural to you, and what you tend to do over and over again. Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon’s placement, as it is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are re-stimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon’s position. It is the psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a direction out of outworn or overdone behaviors and habits.

Moon in Leo:

You have a deeply ingrained sense of personal dignity, and a certain magnanimity of feeling, that prevents you from acting in a petty, spiteful, or small-minded fashion. Even when under stress you like to think of yourself as “above all that” and you may well be, but you may also have a strong subconscious need to impress others, to be thought well of, so that you withhold any less-than-noble responses and feelings you may have. Though usually warm and sunny, you cool off considerably when your pride has been wounded and you will frequently hide your hurt from the world because of your incarnational past (in which you have been in roles of authority, position, and honor in your circle), you tend to feel that you must protect others from your own pains and troubles. Rightly or wrongly, you subconsciously believe that “others are depending upon me, I have to put a bright face on, and not let them know I’m suffering, the show must go on!”. While people generally do, in fact, appreciate your positivity, this attitude tends to exaggerate your importance and keep others from knowing the real human being behind the smile. Usually you have only a chosen few, a small inner circle of devoted fans and supporters, in whom you will really confide.

Previous lifetimes as an actor or entertainer are also indicated, which give you a natural gift for performing and the desire for an audience. You are adept at dramatizing your feelings, really playing them up, and projecting your emotions for effect. So instead of down playing your pain, at times you milk it for all it’s worth! These histrionics may or may not be obvious to others, for you may play them out only on the stage in your mind, but certainly there is a strong habit of personalizing everything and dramatizing your emotions. You rather enjoy a bit of melodrama.

In part, you are motivated by deep subconscious memories of past glory of being the champ, the best, the star of the show and you still seek top billing, at least in some area of life. Your need to be in charge stems from this; you find yourself naturally gravitating toward leadership roles such as, head of the department or head coach, in short, the one “calling the shots”. Because of your instincts for leadership, if you are not in charge you tend to upstage the person who is, usually without even realizing what you are doing or why. You have a knack for drawing the attention toward yourself. You will be noticed in one way or another, and this personal recognition is very important to you.

You are extremely uncomfortable in impersonal environments, and most definitely do not want to be just a cog-in-the-wheel. Large companies where there is little room for personal expression and creativity are not for you. You have a strong creative bent. You also see people as individuals, not functions (it’s Joe, not “the Mailman”, Caroline, not “the Secretary”). You bring warmth, color, energy, humanness, heart, and joie de vivre into whatever environment you are in. You have a personal touch which is much appreciated. At your best, a sense of personal honor, integrity, sincerity, and pride suffuses all that you do.

Deep within, you feel that you are someone special and that you deserve the lion’s share of life’s bounty. You expect great things for yourself and when you are willing to work for them, you often excel. But when things do not work out well for you, you are often perplexed and more than a little put-out. (“How could this happen to ME?” or “How could I have gone unnoticed?”) To put it bluntly, you can be a big baby! Learning to view things from a larger, more inclusive perspective (everything does not revolve around you), and that everyone is special, are two important lessons for you.

Moon Square Jupiter:

Prior lifetimes of great ease, luxury and what is considered “the good life” have engendered in you various tendencies which carry over into your present life cycle: a certain optimism, a taken-for-granted faith that whatever you need will be provided, and the inclination to generously and easily share whatever good fortune you possess. When acting from these instincts, you are very open and freehanded, though perhaps indiscriminately and extravagantly so. Out of this good-hearted, brotherly attitude you may support people or causes without thoroughly investigating them. Also from your incarnational past, there is the theme of having a big, warm family, many friends, and a wide range of social contacts. You were popular and influential in a social sense. An involvement in politics, law and/or religion (to the extent that the church dictated and organized people’s lives) is indicated, and this carries over into the present as a desire for the same popularity and favor you once enjoyed. The desire to “do good” and contribute to the betterment of your fellow man is a positive expression of this, and you do indeed possess an instinctive knowledge of how to appeal to the masses. However, beware of taking shortcuts, acting from greed, or trying to get something with relatively no effort. Also, trying to “buy” friends or gain a superficial popularity in order to puff up your own sense of importance are negative potentials. A tendency towards excess indulgence in rich living, good times, partying, food, drink or splurging on “only the best”, needs to be held in check. If you manifest problems with your weight, water-retention, liver or gall bladder there may be karmic results of wastefulness and over consumption, the seeds of which were sown in your incarnational past. Moderation and temperance are needed, especially with fats and alcohol.

North Node in Cancer:

In your incarnational past, your worldly ambitions, duties, or responsibilities took precedence over you. Discipline and rules were more important than emotion. Your growth direction now is to learn to trust, feel, and give and receive nourishment, care, support, and tenderness.

North Node in 1st house:

When in close partnership with others you tend to fall back into the old patterns. Your partner or partners in life may pull you back into that old way of being.

Chapter 2: The Sun

The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative thrust for this lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or further develop) and express, and your current life focus. This may be in harmony with your instincts and your emotional habits, or along completely different lines. The Sun represents your conscious identity in this lifetime.

Sun in Taurus:

Your soul development in this lifetime involves fully immersing yourself in matter, the physical world, and your senses. The ramifications of this are many.

First of all, you very much enjoy the fruits of the earth in a simple, uncomplicated way. You have a deep rapport with nature and its rhythms, and if you cannot live in the country, you need at least to have a view of some natural beauty or to be surrounded with living or growing things. You have a strong affinity for plants. Regular contact with the land, forests, mountains, or your garden restores you, and without it you lose your center and your peace. When you are at your best, you function like a healthy animal, following what your instincts and your senses tell you. Your well known stubbornness and resistance to change is in part a reflection of your strong need to follow your own instincts and proceed at your own natural pace. As a wise one once phrased it “A soul must never be pushed or driven, but allowed to unfold naturally, like a flower blossoming bit by bit in the sunshine”. This sense of a natural unfolding process underlies your tendency to be both steadily patient and very obstinate when faced with the need to make sudden moves or adapt to changes. Furthermore, your contribution in life has to do with building (solid foundations, assets, structures) and continuing, sustaining, and preserving what has already been attained (thus, your disinclination to embrace innovation or change).

Your willfulness, which is quite strong, has the qualities of the earth itself – heavy, immovable, dense, enduring, and constant – and in terms of character or soul development this may work for or against you. You are not easily impacted or influenced by others, and you tend to ignore subtle hints and clues that you are not on the right track. Thus, you will persist in an endeavor until you are shown in some very gross, unmistakable way that you cannot or should not. In this way, you can make some egregious errors, carving deep grooves or patterns which are very hard to change.

Positively, of course, this same tenacity enables you to accomplish your desires through sheer persistence and stamina. You can be a stabilizing, grounding force for the people around you, which is part of your soul-purpose.

Your earthiness also indicates that you are attuned to that which is tangible, material, solid, substantial, real and present. You tend to distrust or discount what is intangible or abstract. Unless you see physical evidence, concrete facts, or “proof”, you are unlikely to believe something is possible, and you give little credence to some speculative idea which has no concrete application or actual usefulness. A desire to own land or to have solid financial assets and to insure that your basic material needs are well taken care of, is another aspect of this basic earthiness. The mundane world – money, work, taking care of and enjoying the physical body – is your arena.

You are very body oriented, and you respond very much to physical appearances, to physical beauty and to the sensual aspect of things (how it looks, feels, smells, tastes). The benefit of this is simply that you fully enjoy your sensuality and your creaturehood. You have a great capacity for contentment, for enjoying things as they are, and for partaking in the pleasures which are all around you and readily available. However, you may spend inordinate amounts of time and energy on your body, dealing with your appetites and desires for material comfort, security, and pleasure. Enjoying but not being completely dominated by your appetites and desires is the key here. You also need to beware of being taken in by superficial, outer appearances, and thus missing the deeper aspects of a person or situation.

Sun Square Moon:

In this lifetime, to fulfill yourself as an individual, you need to develop and express yourself along very different lines than you have in the past. Thus, in many instances your conscious purposes and inclinations are rather at odds with the deeper subconscious beliefs, patterns and the familiar ways of being which are carry-overs from your incarnational past. Comparing the interpretation of your Moon sign and aspects in Chapter One and the interpretation of your Sun sign and aspects in Chapter 2, you will notice definite opposing or conflicting tendencies or inconsistencies. You will need to say yes to both of these sides of yourself, even though they may seem to pull you in different directions, for denying either side will keep you locked in conflict with yourself or see-sawing between extremes. However, it is also important for you to bring to light those emotionally-based habits, prejudices, and “needs” which you hold on to and which may be interfering with your current needs and requirements for growth.

Sun Opposition Jupiter:

Part of your soul purpose is to promote growth and expansion, whether material, intellectual, or spiritual. You are impelled to be involved in large enterprises that have broad social consequences and influence many people, and you need a rather large arena in which to make the impact you wish. You dream BIG dreams and generally possess the self confidence to promote yourself and your ideas on a wide scale. Your willingness to take risks and to branch out into areas you have yet to explore, along with your ability to project into the future and to see the big picture, all add to your capacity to come to prominence and succeed in life in a big way. However, just as unchecked growth and over-development can lead to undesirable consequences for, say, the natural environment, so too can your own urge for “more” or “bigger” have harmful effects. When out of balance, you are prone to exaggerate, to be ostentatious and pretentious, to be overly optimistic and promise things that you can not reasonably do, and to be seemingly unable to limit or restrict yourself in a realistic way. The ego-gratifications you get from being a “big-wig” may become a primary motivation rather than simply an offshoot of your accomplishments. You may be unwilling to pay your dues, too quick to try a shortcut (moral or otherwise) in your eagerness to gain your aspirations. You may also have enjoyed “favored son” or “favored daughter” status in your household growing up, and thus expect things to come easily to you. Generally they do, but relying too much on this kind of luck can lead to errors of judgment on your part, not to mention major disappointments. On a physical level, over consumption could lead to overweight and/or problems with your liver.

At your finest, though, you have a generous heart, a positive spirit, and the desire to live for something bigger than yourself. Using these gifts, you can contribute much good to the world as well as your own spiritual refinement. The qualities of hope and joy are also yours to transmit to the world.

Sun SemiSquare Venus:

How to be true to yourself while also enjoying close personal relationships is a pointed issue for you in this lifetime. When you compromise or give up too much of yourself for the sake of making other people happy or keeping a relationship intact, a lot of internal friction is created and you feel increasingly empty or uncertain of your identity. At other times you may see-saw to the other extreme and expect others to totally support your creative efforts or to revolve their lives around your needs. Finding a balance between blending intimately and being authentically yourself is your challenge.

Chapter 3: Rising Sign

The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul’s function and thus a key part of your destiny.

Gemini Rising:

Friendly, bright, curious, quick, restless, and highly verbal, you are a communicator. Your function is to be a MESSENGER, a link or bridge between people and between ideas, whether through teaching or speaking, selling or simply circulating socially. You make connections.

Gemini Rising and Mercury in Taurus:

Your ruling planet Mercury is in the steady and patient sign of Taurus. Your mind is retentive and you are slow to form an opinion but stubborn once your mind is made up. You are meant to bring abstract concepts and ideas down to earth for practical application.

Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel

Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties honestly, and work with them patiently.

Saturn in Libra

Finding a balance in your life between participating in a close relationship, and attending to your own requirements and your own personal development, is a crucial issue for you in this lifetime, and not a particularly easy one. For you, relationships with people usually come at a rather steep cost, and they may seem more of a burden or more work than mutual pleasure. You may thus enter into personal relationships cautiously and reluctantly, or you may reserve some part of yourself and, in effect, refuse to be fully engaged. Expecting, at some level, to be disappointed, you opt not to invest yourself entirely, and then wonder why you do not feel fulfilled, why there is a vacuum. At other times, you may find yourself taking on much more than your fair share in your partnerships, and can even martyr yourself for the sake of a friendship, marriage or other cooperative endeavor. Because of the frustration and disappointment you experience in this realm of your life (or at least in certain key relationships), you will be thrown back on your own resources in order to truly become a whole person capable of relating to other individuals. What you seek from or through the other, you will have to find or develop from within.

Saturn in 5th house:

A deep sense of being unloved and a fear of going unnoticed and unappreciated for your creative efforts is apt to effect you in a number of ways. You may work very hard at being the best in some sport or art, or at producing the best possible product, spurred on by a sense of personal inadequacy (“I’m #2, so I try harder”). Yet you tend to labor over (even suffer over) your creative projects and offspring, rather than enjoying them. Or, you may simply believe that you are “not special” or “not creative”, and thus experience a block whenever you attempt to express your unique self. The whole arena of self-expression, in the sense of pouring out your energy into the world and receiving a response, is difficult or frustrating for you. The basic lesson for you to learn here is how to let go of control, whether of your own creative impulses or of the desire to control others’ responses to you. Developing self-approval and self-love will enable you to untie the knots you are apt to be tangled up in this area of your life.

Saturn is Retrograde:

All of the above is complicated by the fact that you carry a rather heavy burden of self-doubt, mistrust, or guilt over having let yourself and others down in your past, when you struggled (and failed) with these same issues. You now have the opportunity to correct your course, make amends and resolve a difficult karmic tangle, or a difficult state of mind.

Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects

The following is a description of your MAJOR LIFE CHALLENGES, both in terms of energies you are to learn to develop and express in a positive way, and those which are the result of struggles and unresolved karmic issues which you have brought into this life.

Mercury Quincunx Neptune:

Part of your purpose and challenge in life is to translate your particular vision and subtle sensitivity into some form that speaks to others. You are attuned to the muse, whether you are a musician, poet, artist, spiritual seeker, or a psychically gifted counselor. Your mind does not function in a strictly logical, linear way and you may have difficulty ordering your life, understanding boundaries, or functioning in a defined and reliable way.

Your mind functions primarily in the world of images which can be either a rich source of creativity or a confusing maze of self-created fantasies. Learning to differentiate between dream and reality is imperative. Mental clarity and self-discipline, strict avoidance of mind-altering substances, honesty with self and others, and seeking feedback from an objective person when you are feeling fuzzy or confused, is necessary in order to make the most of your gifts.

You are open to the phenomena of “channeling”. At your finest, you will feel yourself to be a channel or conduit for “magic” to happen, artistically or otherwise.

Mercury Quincunx Pluto:

You have a penetrating, incisive mind which cuts through surface appearances to the deeper, underlying heart-of-the-matter. Your perceptions and profound insights border at times on being truly uncanny, for you have the gift of being able to perceive the hidden content, the concealed, disguised, or suppressed aspects of a person, situation, or subject. On a concrete level, this quality of mind impels you to be the researcher or investigator, searching out the unknown, uncovering a mystery. Even in casual social interaction you automatically perceive others’ subconscious intentions and motives. You are very astute psychologically. Hence, your presence can be somewhat threatening to those who have secrets or who have much invested in the superficial and prefer not to go any deeper.

This capacity carries with it, however, challenges and pitfalls. You may find yourself falling into a habit of mind that is suspicious, paranoid, cynical, or preoccupied with the dark underside of life, and this may skew your entire outlook. (You may also use your considerable insight, persuasiveness, and mental power to try to manipulate others’ thoughts and actions which would inevitably bring negative karmic results.) Verbally you can be quite cutting and hurtful. Realize that simply speaking “the truth” without mercy or sensitivity to how your words are received, can do more harm than good.

At its worst this aspect would be expressed in a Machiavellian type of mind, utilizing your keen perception to manipulate and dominate others.

Venus Square Neptune:

You are in love with love, and your path in life, as well as many of your challenges, involves understanding and experiencing the realm of the heart. Irresistibly romantic, you have the soul of a poet, a devotee, and above all, a lover.

In its earliest stages of development, this pattern within inclines you to be easily seduced, overcome with emotional yearning and infatuation, unable to discern the motives and intentions of others, particularly if the other person appears beautiful, soft, innocent, or in need. You can confuse pity with love. You see the angel in the other person, and are deeply disillusioned to discover the selfishness or sordidness.

Further on, your relationship with spirit may become paramount in your life, a relationship between lover and beloved. Your path is then what the Hindus refer to as “bhakti” -spiritual devotion and service. This higher octave of love and widening of the heart’s affections can be very beautiful, but herein lies the crux of some of your very human problems: “Where are the limits or boundaries in relationships?” “Are there conditions in love, or is unconditional love the ideal?”. Sorting out these questions and similar ones are part of what your life is about.

Venus Quincunx Pluto:

The realm of human love and human relating is not one you can enter into lightly or casually. For you it is always an all-or-nothing, whole-hearted, and ultimately transformative experience. Great joy and tremendous pain, betrayals, intense desire, and longings are part of your soul’s path and pattern in this lifetime. A deepening of your heart and your capacity to love, as well as a purification of your values, is what this is all about. It may be the loss of one particular person in a particularly poignant and excruciating way, or a series of encounters which bring you ever deeper into your own attachments. Even abusive relationships may be the arenas in which this occurs. Ultimately, you are meant to discover the power of love to heal, to renew and resurrect your own and others’ lives.

The darker side or temptation on this path is to use love (or attractiveness, and others’ love for you) to control, manipulate, or force your will upon them. A love of power -instead of the power of love – would then be your downfall.

Mars is Retrograde:

Asserting yourself vigorously and directly is complicated by the fact that you had a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which aggression was either misused (by you, or against you) and/or all personal initiative and self-will was insistently discouraged (perhaps due to a belief system that advocated passivity).

In any case, the message that was impressed upon you was that forceful action is wrong or dangerous. Thus, if you stand up for yourself, you now tend to hesitate, back down or even be plagued with fears of retaliation.

Jupiter is Retrograde:

Moral concerns (including lingering unresolved issues stemming from a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which you exercised poor judgment in moral, ethical, or religious matters) come into play here. Thus, it is especially important for you to maintain high standards while pursuing your aspirations.

Uranus is Retrograde:

All of the above is complicated by the fact that in prior times, you experienced great personal instability as a result of impersonal, collective impulses toward change (during a time of revolution, political upheaval, war, etc.). You may well have been an agent of these movements, with a lingering inclination toward radical solutions, extremism, flauntingly disregarding social mores. Or you may have become a reactionary, fearing and resisting all reforms or departures from the “main stream”. It is thus difficult for you to be balanced and fair towards any eccentricities (in others or even in yourself). A misuse of science or technology, perhaps participating in experiments which were harmful to you or others, is also indicated. Thus, you may have a deep distrust of or an attraction/repulsion toward science and technological advancement.

Neptune is Retrograde:

The above is complicated by the fact that you had a prior lifetime or lifetimes in which you dissipated your energy, fell away from your disciplines, or were too passive or irresolute to go after the spiritual opportunities open to you at that time. This carries over as a vague yet persistent inner nagging that you should be further on than you are, or a fear of spiritual failure. You may also have been involved in mystical or magical practices that created distortions in your life. It is important for you to take a balanced, patient, well-grounded attitude toward life – nothing too otherworldly, ethereal, or glamorous. Indulging in any mood-altering substances is particularly deleterious for you.

Pluto is Retrograde:

These issues are further complicated by the fact that in a prior life or lives you experienced a terrible betrayal, and may even have been tortured or put to death when you claimed power (social, political or spiritual). You may have misused power or employed Machiavellian strategies in which many suffered. Whether you were a perpetrator or a victim of such abuses, deep fears were engendered at that time, of being powerful or of people in power who would crush you if you display your strengths. An unconscious desire for revenge may motivate you and prevent you from healing. Letting go of this may require deep inner work and some kind of therapeutic energetic release of the grief you hold.

Chapter 6: Soft Aspects

The following is a description of your GIFTS and STRENGTHS which can help you work with your major life challenges. These are abilities and qualities of heart, mind, and soul which are quite natural to you. You probably take them for granted. Because these represent the lines of least resistance for you, you may rely too much upon them at times; hence, there are some cautions suggested. Still, these are the areas where good flows into your life and/or where you have considerable inner resources.

Moon Trine Uranus:

You can tolerate a great deal of unpredictability and insecurity (in the sense of the unknowns in your outer circumstances), and thus you are more willing than most to take risks. You have a keen sense of adventure. Your ability to harmoniously adapt to changes and unexpected twists of fate is one of your assets, as is your receptivity to anything new, your willingness to experiment, and your ability to completely alter your direction based on new information and the needs of the moment. You stay open to possibilities no matter how wild or far-fetched they may seem to more conservative folks, and thus you could easily earn the reputation of being a bit wacky. Your natural inclination to pursue the non-traditional or unexplored path is apt to bring you benefits. At the very least, yours is an unusual, varied, and exciting life, and sometimes includes extraordinary discoveries. Also, you navigate through life using your intuition, inspiration, and inner impulses to guide you (rather than some pre-planned formula for living) and this will work well for you, as your intuition is sharp and clear and relatively undistorted.

Mercury Sextile Venus:

There is a harmonious coordination between your mind and heart, between your intellect and your emotions. Intellectually, you are drawn to the study of the arts and the art of understanding and relating to people. Public relations or bringing people together, in some way, is an area for which you are naturally suited.

You also have a wonderful sense of form and design, of artistic arrangement, of how things fit together pleasingly and gracefully. Whatever you do is done with style and aesthetic appeal. However, you can spend too much time and energy on the superficial aspects of fashion and personal adornment, cosmetic appearances, light socializing and entertaining but frivolous pursuits.

Your speaking, writing, or singing voice is one of your gifts, and you might choose to wear or carry certain gemstones to heighten this ability, such as golden beryl, lapis lazuli, clear quartz crystal or emerald.

Mercury Trine Mars:

As a result of prior development, you have extraordinarily sharp perceptions, quick reflexes, and excellent hand-eye coordination. Thus, you can rather easily develop a high degree of skill in any activity that involves the use of your hands and fingers, or physical finesse.

You also grasp ideas and new information readily and are able to respond immediately to any problems as they arise. You “think on your feet”.

Debating and presenting ideas forcefully and convincingly are talents you bring with you into this lifetime. You enjoy intellectual competition. However, because you have developed these abilities through intellectual contests and duels, you may be in the habit of turning any and all encounters into a verbal sparring match (good-humored, for the most part). Listening and truly hearing what the other person is trying to convey may not be your top priority.

At your best, though, you have confidence in your intellect, are clear in thought and speech and carry through on your ideas with energetic action.

Mars Sextile Uranus:

In previous incarnational experiences you have been a revolutionary, a freedom fighter or engaged in activities that required considerable audacity, courage, and willingness to forego conventionality. Because of this you may be somewhat addicted to high-intensity excitement.

On the positive side, you are unusually capable of handling all sorts of challenges and emergencies. You act quickly and decisively in response to a crisis, and can take up the sword and execute drastic measures if necessary. You are at your best in moments of danger, and may gravitate toward or unconsciously seek them out. While it is likely that you have moderated the intense willfulness and inability to cope with any sort of restrictions, you still need to be blazing new trails. This in fact is one of your gifts, as is your high level of vital energy.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

Collectively, this is a time in history that enables you and those of your generation to advance spiritually through a heightened awareness of the invisible and intangible realms. A rebirth of spirituality through direct contact with higher forces is occurring in this generation. This contact takes many, many forms, including a compelling interest in life beyond death. You may or may not have a personal involvement with this, as it is a group karma rather than a primarily personal one.


Whether you believe in past life or not, Karma is something you want to pay attention to my dear. It definitely can turn your life around! And this is all about the Energy you put into it. Positivity and kindness bring and attract positivity and kindness… Grow your own garden of it Imarhiagu!

As you know by now, you can’t only do it my dear, but you have to perform it with real selfless intentions, or it’s just not going to work… Whatever you do my dear, you have to really mean it if you want it to be efficient and positive on your Karma.

In a sense Imarhiagu, I guess you could say that the best thing to do about the Karma is live a peaceful and generous life. If you genuinely do that, without overthinking it, and actually kind of forgetting about your Karma, then your Karma won’t forget about you and will reward you fully!

And again Imarhiagu, keep in mind that your behavior towards others is the most valuable thing you have and can share… A simple kind gesture will always mean a lot to anybody, fortunate or not, don’t forget that! By following correctly what I explained to you in this reading, I am sure you will find the solid and healthy energic foundations you need to start 2020 in the best conditions possible!

You are now set for your “good Karma quest” Imarhiagu, but knowing your good nature, I have absolutely no doubt about the positive outcome of it! Good Luck!

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